Public Review Period ENDS December 19

The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes’ (CBHCC) public review of proposed changes to the 2020 editions of the National Model Codes is underway, and code users and interested parties have until 11:59 pm PST on December 19, 2024, to examine the proposed code changes and provide comments.

Those interested in participating in the review can access the proposed changes on the CBHCC’s website. Comments received will be reviewed by code development committees and, if approved, the changes will be included in the 2025 editions of the National Model Codes.

The CBHCC appreciates the input of everyone who participates in the public review. The feedback helps shape future editions of the National Model Codes.

The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is active on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn! Follow along for the latest news and updates on Canada’s code development system.


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